
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2 Meetings, 2 Comentators

Hey all!

Allen and Hailey here, bringing you all an update on the last two meetings! Our team met last Sunday and this Wednesday night to continue prepping Oddjob 2.0 for Calgames. There’s so much to tell you all!

First off, we had students CAD away. Some worked on creating the electronics board using Solid Works and our Mechanical VP created a hook to use for our new piston operated climbing system. Evil Mad Scientist’s were able to create these hooks for us and are beautifully displayed in one of the pictures below.

Our software group are teaching the rookies how to program with the arduino platform, which uses C++ like a language. It’s always good having new members showing an interest in something we do and having older students helping to teach what they know.

Mechanical members mainly focused on modifications of Oddjob 2.0 and the fabrication of a new table stand to place the robot on. For Oddjob, the battery , mounting was thoroughly debated and our new frisbee shielding shortened to allow for safe passage beneath the 30in bar of the pyramid.

To those of you interested in watching Cal Games, there is more information regarding it on our team website:

Well thats all the updates! This has been Hailey and Allen, signing off.

Hailey Sanidad: VP of Business and PR

Allen Chan: Blogger Author and Mechanical Member

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Meetings With 10x More Things Done!

Hey All!

Allen here again with another update on the wonderful life of team 3501! Today we completed a bunch of things! First off, a group of veterans wired up the new circuit board for the robot since we had downsized Oddjob. Our rookies completed the base to hold up Oddjob 2.0 so that we can bask in its glory. Then our programmers needed to test some codes and so they decided to begin building a new drive base. While everyone was off with their own jobs,  our wonderful president attached the the new and improved feeder onto the robot. Finally, we had a few members measure our school's large gym and small gym in order to prep the court for Cal Games. The pictures below are examples of what we have completed! Sadly, this comes to the end of our update. But fear not, there's more to come!

Until next time, this is Allen, signing off.
Our president, posing next to Oddjob 2.0!

 Our completed circuit board!

And the rookies with their completed object!
(P.S I spy something orange)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

More Meetings! With 10 times More Heat!

Hello All!

Allen here with another update! Yesterday's meeting was yet another fun filled day! We had a few rookies joining us today and most likely there will be more at the next meeting! During the meeting we had accomplished several things, by using a strip heater we were able to bend the plastic into the shape we wanted it to be. As seen in the picture below, the shape of the plastic helps guide the Frisbee into our shooter, keeping it upright as well (most of the times at least). Several people had the most wonderful adventure, searching for a leak in our pneumatic systems as it was discovered on our Sunday meeting. Oddjob received a few upgrades, becoming Oddjob 2.0. Now with 75% less height and 50% lighter (for now of course). We also had a lunch meeting for all the new comers and gave them the run down of what happens in robotics. As a reminder to all incoming team members there is a "request" of $50. Well that's it.

This is Allen, signing off. Until next time everyone!
That's one small robot!

Side View!

Working on that drive base!

Working on that drive base part 2!