
Monday, January 7, 2013

The Day After Kick-off

Another busy day today, the first of many to come during this six week build season.

As I have mentioned before in a previous email, our team structure is divided into a variety of groups. Our team consists of  a Mechanical, Electrical, Software and PR/Business groups. Each group is working hard now to prepare, plan and design for this years game. Since I fall into the Mechanical Group, I do not have extensive knowledge as to what the Electrical and Software groups are currently working on. I believe they were doing some inventory for our build area and going over last years robot for comparison.

The Mechanical Group has partially broken down into three sub groups for prototyping purposes. We have divided so there are some who will focus on designing and prototyping a shooting mechanism, some on a climbing mechanism and some on a disc gathering system. Today, everyone in the Mechanical group mainly focused on prototyping a system for shooting. Prototyping was done for a plausible design for a shooter. I would say, it was enough for us to do some testing but nothing really concrete. I hope we do more testing and a better prototype tomorrow. We will also likely test other types of shooters than the one we have currently designed. I will post photos by Wednesday. It would be easier for me to explain the prototyping we have done so far with the photos, so I hope to explain that then. Also we may change our prototype design so look forward to it. I will try to have a member of the Electrical or Software Group to post on this blog with me.

Hailey Sanidad

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